Awesome Consultancy





A unique value proposition is normally a short sentence or two that states your competitive edge / advantage and why a customer should do business with you. It is important to articulate the value of what you do and why you do it best. It is essential to follow the below given steps to build a unique value proposition that will help sell the value of your services and win new clients: 


It is essential to understand why you need a value proposition. The answer to this is that it helps you stand out from competition and provides a clear message for prospects about why they should engage in your services. If you can’t make your prospects understand about your services, they will never know either. It is therefore important to be able to express clearly and succinctly to your clients and make them understand what value you offer. 


At times, it is tough to articulate what your organization actually does. You need to take time out to understand exactly what services you provide so that you can clearly communicate your value proposition. It is important to consider three important factors such as: areas of business you serve, types of problems you solve, types of firms you serve. Thus, this will help you in reflecting your firm’s positioning statement. 


It is well said that if you are trying to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. You may miss on a prospective customer if you do not narrow down your target audience. When you narrow your target audience, you differentiate your organization from the competition existing in the market, This is when the prospective clients will be more likely to engage in your services knowing that you really understand the nature of their business. 


Think about problems that you solved for your customers. It is important to be clear and specific so that prospects can understand how you can help them. Think about all the benefits that you can provide to your customers. You may add on various benefits such as ability to eliminate bottlenecks, improve organizational productivity and much more. Start with a list and narrow it down gradually. You need to identify the benefits that will make the biggest impact and distinguish you from the competitors. 


It is important to provide proof of your abilities to create an important layer of credibility. It becomes important to think about how you can demonstrate that your approach has worked to solve similar problems for others. How can prospects trust that you achieve what you say? Find ways to highlight your successes and don’t be afraid to share specific details such as clients that you have served in the past. These are the major factors that distinguish and differentiate you from your competitors. 


After addressing all the questions (why, what, who and how) via brainstorming, it is time to be sure that you have covered everything you need to have your value proposition. It is important to consider WHO your customers are, WHAT you provide them and WHY you buy for them. 

It is indeed essential to read your value statement and make sure that the above three points are well addressed. It is important that the statement is clear and is no longer than few sentences. It should clearly differentiate you from the competition. 

  • USE IT

Do not spend much time in creating your value proposition. It is important to understand that your value proposition is part of your branding so that it can be used everywhere. It could be used in your website, your presentations, social media sites, and anywhere else too. 


It is important to make sure that you have a crafted a value proposition that will win new customers. The easiest way to test your value proposition is at networking events. It is important to understand how people respond to you. Do people understand you? Do they seem to understand the value you offer? Do they understand that you always deliver your promise? It is important to get answers to these questions and get the value proposition right. 


When the company grows and services expand, many a times, it becomes important to revisit your value proposition. This is especially important as services change and you develop a new expertise. Developing a value proposition for your organization is crucial to distinguish yourself from the competitors. This helps in easily explaining the services to the prospects.


At Awesome Consultancy, our expert consultancy experts help you in building unique value propositions that convey a promise of value to be delivered. Our experts understand that your value proposition is the main thing that needs to be tested and if you get that right, it will be a huge boost. We understand that testing the value proposition is the most important conversion optimization advice. Our experts help you in offering a unique value proposition statement that offers: Relevancy, Quantified value and Differentiation. Our experts make sure that your target audience read and understand your value proposition. Our experts use the language that easily reached the minds of your customers. 

Our experts make sure to create a value proposition with the best headline, sub-headline, one paragraph text, photos, videos and graphics. The experts make sure to evaluate your current value propositions by checking whether the following questions are answered well or not: (a) What product or service is the organization selling? (b) What is the end benefit of using the product or service? (c) Who is the target audience for the product or service? (d) What makes your product or service absolutely unique? Our experts make the value proposition statement clear and easy to understand. They make sure to communicate the concrete results much more efficiently than your competitor. Our experts do not use business jargons, superlatives and hyped up statements. 

So, do you have any Unique Value Proposition Consultancy requirement? Do not worry anymore. Contact us NOW to avail the best services at reasonable prices.